• Phone:- +91-161-2681523
  • Opening Time : 8:00am-6:00pm
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Director's Message

Greetings! 17 years ago from a small accommodation I nervously set about conducting class for a preschool called Bon Voyage Play School. It has been an exciting and educative experience mostly because of the fantastic feedback I got from the parents of our School children. The feedback sometime kind, sometimes angry, constantly helped me and my team to improve the result and today Bon Voyage is the pioneer in organized and standardized pre-schooling and has been considered to be the most trusted, loved, recommended and undisputed leader in preschool segments of this Area. With a unique and clear concept, Bon voyage is an activity centre, which focuses on providing a forum where children can take part in different co-curricular activities that include a variety of hobbies from Art & Craft, Dance, Drama, Creative writing, computers, astronomy, environment and various festival related celebrations-the list is more.

This could be the very platform wherein the child get to know his/her culture and values, and learn to appreciate and inculcate them. Our teachers are fully trained with latest teaching aids and use a great number of ways to reach children of different learning styles and broaden the horizon of teaching methods so that children can learn in ways they find comfortable. Here they move from dependence to independence, from shaky coordination to refined skills, from body language to verbal communication, from self-absorption to growing social awareness. A core belief at Bo voyage is that no single method of instruction is all comprehensive ; hence we use both traditional and progressive methods of instruction to develop a well structured curriculum that encourages social , academic and emotional growth of the children.
Our aim is to preserve and enhance the highest standards of culture and intelligence to prepare a winning generation for the 21st century and we think that our children should have the best of both worlds, Eastern culture with Western competitive standards will hold hands at our School and grow up to be accommodative, caring, sharing and bright individual. They will be emotionally balanced, confident and strong to face any adverse circumstances. With an Optimum Teacher Student Ratio, Every child is loved and cared for where expectations of parents are respected and their suggestion are received with open mind.

As you know, parents have a bigger responsibility today for child because the everyday competition gets intense in life in every way and one has to be more careful to prepare the child to face the challenges for the tough competition. To equip your child to meet the challenges, proper guidance is provided by experienced and highly trained, dedicated and loving teachers. The quality of the peer group your child interacts with ensures the right development of social and emotional intelligence which help them to develop the best that is latent in children and prepares for the challenges of the changing world through encouragement of self discipline, high intellectual achievement and physical fitness. The motto of the school is "Truth, trust and Triumph". The system of curriculum in our School is being re-evaluated, restructured and revitalized with a view to encourage and inspire every student who enters our school to leave with a strong base to be of a person of fully developed personality and individuality in the future.